Alexey Iordanskii
Alexey Iordanskii

Semenov Research Center of Chemical Physics, Russian Federation

Alexey Iordanskii, Prof., DSc (Polymer chemistry), is a Principal Investigator at Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, RAS Moscow RF. His researches have focused on diffusion, drug release and biodegradation in biopolymers with the emphasis on composites and nanofibers. He is internationally respected expert in the above areas with 340 publications. Fellowship at the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic and the Institute of Medical Polymer Chemistry. Wroclaw, Polish Republic. Science lecturing in the "Rhone Poulenc Co" Lion-Paris France (1987) Nowadays, Alexey Iordanskii is the Board Member of MDPI Publishing, Switzerland, and Reviewer Board Member of “Polymers”.